The District of Prague-East (''Okres Praha-východ'' in Czech) is a district (''okres'') in the Central Bohemian Region (''Středočeský kraj''), Czech Republic. Its administrative centre is Prague. ==Complete list of municipalities== Babice - Bašť - Borek - Bořanovice - Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav - Brázdim - Březí - Čelákovice - Černé Voděrady - Čestlice - Dobročovice - Dobřejovice - Doubek - Dřevčice - Dřísy - Herink - Hlavenec - Horoušany - Hovorčovice - Hrusice - Husinec - Jenštejn - Jevany - Jirny - Kaliště - Kamenice - Káraný - Klecany - Klíčany - Klokočná - Konětopy - Konojedy - Kostelec u Křížků - Kostelec nad Černými lesy - Kostelní Hlavno - Kozojedy - Křenek - Křenice - Křížkový Újezdec - Kunice - Květnice - ''Lázně Toušeň'' - Lhota - Líbeznice - Louňovice - Máslovice - Měšice - Mirošovice - Mnichovice - Modletice - Mochov - Mratín - Mukařov - ''Nehvizdy'' - Nová Ves - Nový Vestec - Nučice - Nupaky - Odolena Voda - Oleška - Ondřejov - Oplany - Panenské Břežany - Pětihosty - Petříkov - Podolanka - Polerady - Popovičky - Prusice - Předboj - Přezletice - Radějovice - Radonice - Říčany - Sedlec Senohraby - Sibřina - Sluhy - Sluštice - Strančice - Struhařov - Stříbrná Skalice - Sudovo Hlavno - Sulice - Svémyslice - Světice - Svojetice - Šestajovice - ''Škvorec'' - Štíhlice - Tehov - Tehovec - Úvaly - Veleň - Veliká Ves - Velké Popovice - Větrušice - Vlkančice - Vodochody - Všestary - Vyšehořovice - Výžerky - Vyžlovka - ''Zápy'' - Záryby - Zdiby - Zeleneč - Zlatá - Zlonín - Zvánovice - File:Zámek Klecany.jpg|Chateau in Klecany File:Rez CZ with nuclear research centre from N 049-051.jpg|Nuclear research centre on right bank of the Vltava River in Řež File:Větrušice, Národní přírodní rezervace Větrušické rokle.jpg|''Větrušické rokle'' National Nature Reserve, the rocky valley of the Vltava River near Větrušice File:Máslový betlém v Máslovicích.jpg|Butter nativity scene in small Butter Museum in Máslovice (the Czech name of the village derives from word for butter) File:OdolenaVoda1.jpg|Small town of Odolena Voda in northwest of the district File:Halek domek.jpg|Birthhouse of 19th century Czech writer Vítězslav Hálek in Dolínek (nowadays part of Odolena Voda) File:PanenskeBrezany0.jpg|Upper Chateau in Panenské Břežany File:Zlonín Landscape.jpg|Flatland along the Elbe River near Zlonín File:Bořanovice, road to Líbeznice.jpg|Landscape north of Prague - road between villages of Bořanovice and Líbeznice File:Libeznice CZ from W 0038.jpg|Village of Líbeznice File:Líbeznice, new housing.jpg|Villages on outskirts of Prague both benefit and suffer from building boom since 1990s. This deterrent example of contemporary housing comes from Líbeznice. File:Jenstejn 2.jpg|Castle tower in Jenštejn File:Borek, West.jpg|A street in Borek File:Dřísy, main street 2.jpg|Thoroughfare in Dřísy File:Konětopy, common.jpg|Common in Konětopy File:Charles 6 Hlavenec 2.jpg|Vast forests north of Stará Boleslav were a favourite hunting preserve of Bohemian monarchs - this 1725 monument by Matthias Braun commemorating Emperor Charles VI stands near Hlavenec File:Lhota (jezero).JPG|Lhota Lake (a flooded sand mine) near Lhota has been a favourite bathing destination since 1980s. The oldest nude beach in the Czech Republic is also located on shores of the lake. File:Interiér hlavní čerpací stanice v Káraném 02.jpg|Main pump hall at Káraný water treatment facility which supplies Prague with potable water since 1910s File:Labe, Brandýs.jpg|The Elbe River before Brandýs nad Labem File:Brandys nad labem.jpg|Aerial view of Brandýs nad Labem File:Brandýs nad Labem, Masarykovo sq, Town hall.jpg|Town hall in Brandýs nad Labem File:Brandýs nad Labem, Ivana Olbrachta str.jpg|A street in centre of Brandýs nad Labem File:Mariánské náměstí.jpg|Marian Square in Stará Boleslav File:Stara Boleslav.JPG|Town Gate in Stará Boleslav File:Pohled od baziliky sv. Václava ke kostelu Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Staré Boleslavi.jpg|Downtown of Stará Boleslav as seen from church of St. Wenceslaus File:Klimentsb.jpg|St. Clement church in Stará Boleslav was a part of early Přemyslid fort from which the town evolved. Its current shape dates from 11th century. File:BazilikasvVaclavasb.jpg|Churches of St. Clement and St. Wenceslaus in Stará Boleslav, the site where Saint Wenceslaus was murdered in a quarrel with his brother Boleslaus in 935 File:Stará Boleslav, Nanebevzetí Panny Marie Church.jpg|Basilica of the Assumption in Stará Boleslav The town belongs to foremost Roman-Catholic pilgrimage sites in the country. File:Zapy domky.jpg|Traditional rural houses in Zápy File:VTPark Mstetice.jpg|Science and industrial park in Mstětice, part of Zeleneč municipality File:Nehvizdy - kostel.jpg|St. Wenceslaus church and bell tower in Nehvizdy File:Nehvizdy pomnik.jpg|Nehvizdy - memorial of Czechoslovak paratroopers, dropped in vicinity of the town in 1941, who later executed the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich. File:Komora Celakovice 1.JPG|Lock in Čelákovice. The district lies on navigable section of the Elbe River. File:Bozi muka Sedlcanky.JPG|Wayside cross in flatland of the northern part of the district. Sedlčánky near Čelákovice File:Celakovice radnice.jpg|Old town hall in Čelákovice File:Čelákovice, Town hall.jpg|New town hall in Čelákovice File:Celakovice husitsky kostel.jpg|Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Čelákovice File:Čelákovice, Kostelní str.jpg|Church Street in centre of Čelákovice File:Nadrazi Celakovice.JPG|Čelákovice railway station on line 231 connecting Prague with Lysá nad Labem and Nymburk File:Trafacka Cechy-Stred2.JPG|''Bohemia-Centre'' high-voltage (400/220/110 kV) substation near Mochov File:Dul Horousany-Vysehorovice.JPG|Fire clay mining between Horoušany and Vyšehořovice File:Šestajovice (okres Praha-východ), jih.jpg|New housing on eastern border of Prague in Šestajovice File:Zamek Jirny2.jpg|Chateau in Jirny File:Sklad u Jiren.jpg|Landscape around Prague abound in cargo centres and warehouses because of major roads radiating from the city. This warehouse is situated near Highway D11 in Jirny File:Škvorec, Old Castle Restoration 2.jpg|Castle in Škvorec (under repair) File:Doubek foto1.jpg|Common with pond in village of Doubek east of Prague File:Říčany, hrad.jpg|Ruin of medieval castle in Říčany File:Ricany PH CZ Masaryk Square towards NE 305.jpg|Masaryk Square in Říčany File:Říčany, Leopolda Peka str.jpg|Prefab houses in Olivovna housing estate, eastern subuurb of Říčany File:Říčany, Road from Jesenice.jpg|Road between Říčany and Jesenice File:Čestlice, Shopping Zone.jpg|One of major shopping centres of Prague is located besides Highway D1 in Čestlice File:Modletice from north.jpg|Village of Modletice File:Kamenice, Sídliště II. str.jpg|Small housing estate in Kamenice File:Kamenice, Elementary School 2.jpg|Elementary school in Kamenice File:Velkopopovický Kozel 11° Medium (Beer- czech republic).jpg|Velkopopovický Kozel beer from Velké Popovice Brewery File:Velké Popovice, Brtnice.jpg|Landscape near Brtnice, part of Velké Popovice municipality File:Strančice, Pod Lipami str.jpg|New housing in Strančice File:Strančice, Railway station 2.jpg|Refurbished Strančice railway station on line 221 Prague - Benešov File:Mirosovice PH CZ Highway D1 092.jpg|An exceptionally quiet moment at kilometre 22 of Highway D1 (Prague - Brno - Ostrava) near Mirošovice File:Hrusice CZ birthplace of Josef Lada 185.jpg|Thoroughfare in Hrusice, the village connected with work of illustrator and writer Josef Lada File:Ondřejov Astro 065-m telescope1.jpg|Dome of 0.65-m reflector at the Ondřejov Observatory of Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences in Ondřejov File:2-m Telescope7, Ondřejov Astronomical.jpg|The biggest Czech telescope – 2-m reflector at the Ondřejov Observatory File:Ondřejov Astro Solar radio telescope2.jpg|10-m Solar radiotelescope at the Ondřejov Observatory File:Solar Telescope1, Ondřejov Astronomical.jpg|Solar Telecope at the Ondřejov Observatory File:Svojetice, sklízení jetele.jpg|Clover harvest near Svojetice File:Voděradské_bučiny_na_jaře_(008).JPG|Spring in ''Voděradské bučiny'' National Nature Reserve, a beech forest covering the hilly landscape near Černé Voděrady File:Pohled na Oplany od jihu podzimní.jpg|Autumn landscape nmear Oplany File:Kozojedy, kostel svatého Martina (01).jpg|St. Martin church in Kozojedy File:Kostelec nad Černými lesy, náměstí Smiřických, z jihozápadu.jpg|Town square in Kostelec nad Černými lesy File:Konojedy, od západu (01).jpg|Landscape near Konojedy File:Stribrna Skalice.jpg|Old town hall in Stříbrná Skalice File:Stříbrná Skalice z Kostelních Střimelic.JPG|Winter landscape near Stříbrná Skalice 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Prague-East District」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク